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Malaysia's Independence Day was supposedly celebrated two days ago, a day which was supposed to bring every single Malaysian together to celebrate 58 years of independence, a day marked to be of such great importance in history. But where is the celebratory mood? What happened to the "Tanggal 31, Bulan 8, '57" and "Burung nelayan dan juga petani" verses that we used to memorize as little kids in school? What happened to those little flags almost every car would have on top? How did we come to the point where the value of our Ringgit keeps falling, demands for the Prime Minister to step down keeps rising, prices of things keep rising, and politicians still play dirty even when they've been caught red-handed? How did we come to the point where we're called "Bodoh" or "non-patriotic" when we wear yellow shirts and walk the streets peacefully because all we've ever dreamed about is to live in a country in which its government actually cares for its people?

I'm nobody. I'm no one.
Who would want to listen to what I have to say? Who needs to? Nobody.
Why should I even be bothered? No reason.

That's just it. I am just a nobody, not anyone worth listening to. I've not been through half of what others have been through, I've never run away from the Japanese, from bombs, from disaster and turmoil ; I don't need to. I don't know half of what politicians are talking about most of the time, nor do I know how to run a country. But what I do know is this : I am a Malaysian who has had that gnawing feeling inside to put what she has to say into words and let it all out.

First off, what the heck is happening to Malaysia? Why are there so many problems arising at once? When is all the lying and manipulation going to end? Even in deep depths of trouble, our politicians still have not learnt their lesson ; stop the bribery and corruption already. When is it going to end? When Malaysia falls to its knees and people die from starvation? This country doesn't need more money, it has plenty, it just needs its leaders to stop using the money for crap and actually use it for the country's good. The root of every economic problem we are facing today is the government. If we had a clean government to begin with, Malaysia wouldn't be knee-deep in debt this very day. Nothing is going to change the way Malaysia is and is going to be, unless the entire government brings its scrub and bleach and start cleaning itself. No, not just the Prime Minister, deputy, nor one or two officials ; everyone in the entire cabinet.

And what happened to Malaysia being a democratic country? Oh right, we never were. For decades, people's opinions have just been flushed down the drain. Whisper a single wrong word and boom, off to jail. Where is the freedom of speech and human rights? Why is it that when most of us don't have the ability to say it out in words thus we do our very best through peaceful street demonstrations, high ranked officials and elites fire back at us, calling our actions to be "BODOH"? You say that there are other ways to voice out our opinions? What other ways? What other ways could possibly bring any different of an outcome? You say that we aren't "patriotic" or that we don't love this country by joining demonstrations. If we didn't love and care for our country, why would we bother to even participate if not for the hope of the betterment of the country. When any single word that carries a threat to the stability of the government is uttered, people are captured, scorned, and warned. Textbooks are taught to never be questioned, newspapers and cable news reports are the only news that are to be trusted, and injustice towards different races should never be brought up nor thought about. We have been constantly restricted of our rights, never allowed to do anything that could hurt the government.

No I am not an anti-government, nor am I a pro-opposition. I'm merely a nobody who doesn't want her country to sink and be nothing but a wasteful piece of land filled with idiots who let another bunch of idiots control them like puppets with strings.

The question is this :
When is it our turn to truly be able to speak up? There are thousands of voices more worth listening to compared to politicians' daughters, tonnes of souls never getting what they want for their children because they can never voice out. Every Malaysian deserves to be heard. Everyone deserves to have their opinions laid out for the world to see, good or bad. I'm just part of the "everyone" team. And this is not the end, it is merely the beginning.